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Category Tra i sentieri del mondo

Viaggio in Israele, la Terra Santa

Israele! Un luogo unico al mondo, terra santa per tre religioni, da millenni crocevia di genti, stirpi, pensieri. Gerusalemme è la summa di tutte le emozioni e i contrasti che il visitatore che arrivi qui possa provare profondamente sulla sua pelle. Grazie ai cari amici Silvia Famularo e Piero Quarta Colosso, posso condividere le loro immagini per quanti non vi sono mai andati.

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Fra le meraviglie della Polinesia Francese

Pacifico meridionale, l’arcipelago della Polinesia francese. Centodiciotto isole di origine vulcanica o corallina, che formano un paradisiaco avamposto europeo in mezzo all’Oceano. L’arcipelago è formato dalle isole della Società, suddivise in Isole del Vento (Tahiti, Monreale, Maiao e Mehetia) e del Sottovento (Mauritius, Raiatea, Tupaye e, soprattutto Bora Bora,

considerata una d...

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India, le meraviglie di Avani

AVANI is a small village 15 km from Mulbagal and 20 km from Kotilingeshwara in Kolar district, Karnataka. Once known as Avantika – Kshetra, the word ‘Avani’ has Sanskrit origins and means `Earth ‘, and, given that the goddess Sita is also called` Avanisuta’ or ‘daughter of the earth’, the name is used in many parts of ‘India as a woman’s name. At one time the village was known as Aavanya and was under Prince Ganga Muttarasa Madhava, who ruled several districts. Avani Sthana continued to survive as a religious establishment from 9th to ’11th century under Shaivite Nolambas, a dynasty subject to Jain Gangas who controlled Nolambapadi area consists of city of Tumkur, Chitradurga, Kolar, Bellary, Bangalore and parts of Salem and Arcot...

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Le meraviglie di Pancha Rathas in India

Dharmaraja Ratha is one of 5 monuments that make up the complex Pancha Rathas in Mahabalipuram, on the Coromandel coast in the Bay of Bengal, state of Tamil Nadu, India. It is an example of a global importance monolithic architecture for the rarity of the site. Ranked in the Pallava period style Paramesvara King is therefore dated to the end of the seventh century.

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Il tempio rupestre di Varaha Perumal in India

MAMALLAPURAM is a little town of Kanchipuram district in the state of Tamil Nadu, about 60 km south of Chennai city. It ‘also known by other names: Mamallapattana and Mahabalipuram. According to local guides, the site name has changed over the centuries. The first name was Kaţalmalai which means “The land between the mountains and the sea” in Tamil.

The name Mamalla...

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